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  • Donate Now!
    Help us reach our base target of $8,250 to send kids from low-income households from Riverdale, Riverside, and Leslieville to summer camp! Your support can provide children with a day ($55), a week ($275), or a full three-week camp experience ($825). If you donate a day ($55) or more of summer
  • Get to Know Your Community Volunteer Award Winners!
    At the Ralph Thornton Community Centre’s Annual General Meeting on June 12, the following extraordinary individuals were announced as RTCC’s 2024 Community Volunteer Award winners: Sharon Ho | RTCO Board Member | Recipient of the “Contribution to RTCC Governance and
  • Ralph Thornton Community Centre Summer RAC Camp Fundraiser Launch!
    TO MAKE A DONATION AND SEND EAST END KIDS TO SUMMER CAMP, CLICK HERE ! Help Send East End Kids to Summer Camp!  This year, we’re launching a summer camp fundraiser to send 10 children from low-income households to summer RAC Camp! Help us reach our base target of $8,250 to send 10 kids from